How to Ensure Safety During the Home Inspection?

Home Safety Inspection: Ensuring Secure Home Inspections

Do you wish to evaluate your property’s condition and determine its necessary improvements? Then, a home inspection is a very important step you should undertake. It can help you uncover the hidden issues related to your property. But with no proper safety considerations, this crucial step can become hazardous. And we are sure nobody wants that.

A licensed and experienced home inspector plays a crucial role here. These professionals can ensure inspection safety. They can identify hazards that pose a safety threat to you and your family. With this, you can also prepare for the inspection to ensure home safety inspection.

This blog will discuss more safety precautions for the inspection process. We will also discuss a home safety checklist that you can use. This can help you with ensuring a thorough and consistent inspection.

Safety Precautions for Home Inspection

Even though inspection is vital in real estate transactions, you should still take safety precautions. With proper safety precautions in place, you can ensure an effective and secure inspection.

Following are some safety measures you can take during a home inspection.

Hire a Licensed and Experienced Home Inspector

Hiring a licensed and experienced inspector is your first step toward ensuring safety. They can be a great asset during the inspection.

A licensed and experienced inspector can identify hazards that could pose a safety threat to you and your family.

The more experienced and trained a real estate inspector is, the more quickly and thoroughly they will identify hidden issues.

This is one of the easiest ways to ensure your safety during inspections.

Be Present During the Inspection

Your presence makes a huge difference, so it is recommended that you’re there when the inspection is taking place. Follow along as much as possible and take your best interest in the inspection process.

This will give you a  better idea to understand the identified issues. While you can also ensure the thoroughness of the inspection.

Prepare for the Inspection

There are several ways you can prepare for the inspection. Here’s a list of some of such ways:

·         Testing seals and locks

·         Flushing all toilets

·         Running all faucets

·         Trying all light switches

·         Opening and closing windows

With the preparation in place for the inspection, the process can be less risky. You can also declutter the house and put everything in place. This can help inspectors inspect the property without any hurdles.

Protective Gear

This safety measure is especially for home inspectors. If you are an inspector, you should wear appropriate personal protective equipment. This may include dusk masks, gloves, and safety goggles.

Protective gear can protect you from hazards like allergens, dust, or other irritants.

Electrical Safety

Electrical issues are one of the most common safety concerns found during inspections. Thus, you need to ensure electrical safety during the inspection. 

You can do this by ensuring all switches and electrical outlets function properly. You may also check for any exposed wiring or other electrical hazards.

If you find such issues, it is better to fix them beforehand. At least you can inform the inspector about it during the inspection.

Furthermore, inspectors must also be cautious when examining electrical systems. They should ensure that all circuit breakers are appropriately labeled and shouldn’t touch live wires.

If a hazardous condition is detected, inspectors may need to recommend further evaluation by an electrician.

Structural Stability

A home inspector should always be aware of the property’s structural integrity. While inspecting areas like the roof or upper levels, they should not overload or stress the structure. For this, inspectors might require safety harnesses and fall protection equipment.


If your crawlspaces and attics lack proper ventilation, that must concern you. It is possible that your safety is at stake here, and inspectors should ensure proper airflow. They should also be wary of potential hazards. This includes poor air quality or mold. These areas must be well-ventilated to minimize the health risks.

Potential Safety Concerns to Look Out for During Inspections?

A comprehensive home safety checklist is valuable for identifying safety concerns during inspections. With this checklist, you can take necessary precautions to prevent injuries and accidents.

Below is a  checklist that covers various aspects of home safety. This checklist ensures your house is safe for you and your loved ones.

Fire Safety 

To protect yourself from fire, ensure that smoke alarms are installed in critical areas of your home. You can install these in bedrooms and other common areas. It is best to test monthly and change the batteries every year.

Having fire extinguishers readily accessible in your kitchen and garage is another plus. They should also be there in areas prone to fires.

Electrical Safety

Inspect the electrical outlets and cords for any signs of damage and wear. It would be best if you also avoided overloading outlets with multiple plugs.

Also, install GFCIs where water and electricity can come into contact. GFCI are especially needed in kitchens and bathrooms.

Use extension cords only when necessary, and avoid running them under rugs or furniture.

Home Security

Ensure that all entry doors are equipped with secure locks and deadbolts. Consider installing a smart lock for added security. If possible, install a home security system with alarms and monitoring services.

Furthermore, you shall also illuminate the exterior of your home to deter potential intruders. Motion-activated lights are an effective choice.

Outdoor Safety

Keep your yard well-maintained to prevent accidents from overgrown vegetation or loose paving stones.

Additionally, Ensure that your lawnmower is in good working condition. It would be best if you follow safety guidelines when using it.

Regularly inspect outdoor structures for loose boards, railing stability, and repairs.

The Significance of Safety in Home Inspections

Understanding and prioritizing safety considerations during a home inspection is not just a matter of professional responsibility. But it’s a fundamental aspect of ensuring the well-being of everyone involved in the process.

Whether you are a qualified inspector, a homeowner, or a potential buyer, it is best to take precautions for a successful and secure home inspection.

Following these safety measures can help identify potential issues. You can also address them without compromising anyone’s safety.

Are you looking to get your home inspection off to a strong start with The BrickKicker? Reach out to us now to begin your trusted and comprehensive inspection process!